CDL General Knowledge Course and Practice Test
Everything You Need To Know - 100% Online
- Over 200 pages of instruction
- 100% money-back guarantee
- Prepared by a leader in the industry
- Fully online for ultimate convenience
- No hidden fees
- Sign-in and sign-out whenever you want
- Mobile friendly
- Interactive quizzes
Our course is 100% online, allowing you to complete the course from the comfort of your home, fast and easy. By combining easy-to-learn and brief text lessons with inciteful illustrations, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll comprehend our course material. Our course is also divided into concise one-subject chapters so you’re able to concentrate on learning one subject at a time.

This comprehensive course contains over 200 pages of instruction and quizzes designed to help prepare drivers who want to get their Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with the General Knowledge portion.
- Benefit from the knowledge of experts who not only have on-the-road experience, but also over 20 years of experience training and testing individuals looking to get their CDL.
- Prepare to pass ALL endorsement tests and get a license that allows you to drive any vehicle on the road.
- Tankers
- Doubles and Triples
- Passenger
- School Bus
- Hazardous Materials
- Prepare for the Road Test! Get helpful pointers on:
- Using your mirrors
- Scanning your vision
- How to make a proper stop
- How to gauge your following distance
- Stopping at a red light
- How to make an emergency stop
- How to properly cross a railroad track
- And much, much more!
- Learn other principles that you will need once you are on the highway:
- Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection
- Using a log book
- Coupling and uncoupling
Our course is 100% online, allowing you to complete the course from the comfort of your home, fast and easy. By combining easy-to-learn and brief text lessons with insightful illustrations, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll comprehend our course material. Our course is also divided into concise one-subject chapters so you’re able to concentrate on learning one subject at a time.

Money back guarantee
We are so confident that you will be 100% satisfied that we guarantee it or your money back.
No hidden cost
We only advertise our actual bottom line cost. What you see is what you get.
Certificate Included
Other schools charge additional fees to provide a certificate of completion we provide it for free.
Price Match Promise
Find a better deal? Just send us a message with information about the advertised price and we'll give you a discount.
The best of the best, of the best.... etc
Ok.... You get the point

Fast and Easy
By combining easy-to-learn text lessons with entertaining videos, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll comprehend our course material.
Super Flexible
Sign in and sign out whenever you want. No classrooms and no pressure to finish. We track your progress so you don't have to.
Customer Support
Need help? No worries, just give us a call or send an email and our customer service team will be there to help.
Mobile Friendly
With our mobile optimized learning environment you can learn on the go. Anywhere you have an internet connection, from any device.
Interactive Quizzes
All of our courses include interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and ensure you comprehend what you are learning.
Easy Reading
Our course is also divided into concise one-subject chapters so you’re able to concentrate on learning one subject at a time.